How to REVERSE Arthritic Back Pain, Sciatica, and Bulging or Degenerative Discs WITHOUT Pills or Surgery
These Resources Will Show You…
Meet Dr. Tom Padilla.
After 15 Years of Practice And Helping Thousands, I’ve Found The Root Cause.
What you’ll learn with these resources is the direct result of over 15 years of experience and clinical practice. Having had back pain myself and helping thousands of people with back pain, I learned one simple truth that has helped me uncover the true secret to helping people with back pain, bulging discs, and sciatica. The majority of the things we FEEL are just symptoms of what is happening. The treatments that we’ve traditionally relied on focus on helping that feeling, not helping the root cause of that feeling. So I set out to find the real root cause, and I reveal it within these resources.
When I was 24 years old I had my own experience searching for answers in the medical system and I know just how hopeless it can feel. I was suffering from black mold poisoning. All of my joints were swelling, I couldn’t walk, or open a jar by myself, and the answers I was given were either “you have arthritis, and you’ll have to live with it” or… “we’ve run tests and everything has come back normal…” So they gave me pills to treat the symptoms. Had it not been for a random leak happening in my house, nobody would have found the cause, and I might not be here.
I tell you this to let you know that I get it, I know exactly how frustrating and hopeless it can feel not having answers, and trying things that seem to only treat the symptoms. The information I’ve put together in this interview and download is to help you become informed in taking charge of your own healthcare journey. It is meant to inform and empower you to help you understand what the real root cause of persistent pain is, and reveals a path for how you can get out of pain for good, like the thousands of others this approach has helped.
After requesting the information, there is a free masterclass on the next page where you can start learning even more, and take the next step in your journey towards healing your back, and reclaiming a pain-free life. Thanks for watching!
Dr. Tom Padilla