“We Help Active Adults 30+ Return To Active Lifestyles Without Using Painkillers or Surgery”
We help people avoid unwanted surgeries, and avoid taking pills to just manage their pain. We specialize in analyzing exactly what’s causing your pain, and designing an individualized plan to fix the root cause, so that it doesn’t easily return. This way you can get back to doing things like hiking, weightlifting, golfing, swimming…literally whatever you want, without worrying that it will come back.
Many of the people we help feel like they’ve been given advice in the traditional medical setting that is designed to provide band-aids and short-term solutions instead of finding the root cause and addressing it so that pain does not easily return. We help people who expect more out of their lives, and who want their quality of life to last for as long as they live.
The Founder of DPT, Dr. Tom Padilla had a significant personal experience being on the receiving end of confusing healthcare, and a lack of diagnosis for a year of his life. During this time, he received advice such as “you have arthritis, and you’re going to have to live with it, just take these pills.”
Having this experience, and knowing all the work it took him to finally find answers is what led to the creation of DPT. We help people who have been told things like:
- “Your symptoms aren’t bad enough, you’ll have to wait until you’re a surgical candidate.”
- “This is just what ‘happens when you get older, you should accept it.”
- “There’s nothing wrong with you.”
For many people their pain has made them feel like they must be crazy, or they feel disappointed that their best years are behind them.
If you’re looking for a Scottsdale physical therapist who specializes in accurate diagnosis of the root cause of your pain, and getting you back to the activities you love using natural healing, you’ve found them. We recognize that this is not typical in medicine, and so we invite you to apply for a Complimentary Consultation with our experts.
Some people spend years searching for a solution that can help them get back to being active, and feeling like themselves. The majority of the people we help have tried several other forms of treatment, most of them including physical therapy, massage, chiropractic, or injections.
If you love being able to keep active, you’re familiar with the benefits.
- Keeps you from getting OLD.
- Helps you manage your stress and mood.
- Helps you get a better night’s sleep.
- Keeps you sane!
- And helps you enjoy the life you want, without physical limitation.
At The Doctors of Physical Therapy we focus on goals that matter to our clients. Want to hike the grand canyon? Water ski? Lift weights? We can help you get there.
Our goal at DPT is to help our clients return to active lifestyles without painkillers or surgery.
Click Play To Hear From Katherine About Having Pain For Years, And What She Can Do Since Working With DPT
We’re committed to helping people who are looking for a provider who is dedicated to keeping your quality of life high, for as long as you live so that you can:
- Go on more adventures
- Play with your loved ones
- Enjoy time with friends
- Stay independent in older age
- Continue making memories you cherish
- And have freedom from having to think about pain
If you’re considering working with us, make sure to reach out today as availability is limited. You can either call us, or fill out a contact form by clicking the button below. Once you do that, someone from our Scottsdale physical therapy team will reach out to you to get to know your situation and see how we can help.
See Who’s Reclaimed Their Active Lifestyles…
Kelly Henderson, Phoenix
“I came to DPT because my body was all kinds of messed up from my first pregnancy, which was making my second very uncomfortable. Pelvis pain, back pain, etc. With my first visit at DPT I saw immediate results where I could get out of bed so much easier (which used to be a group activity with my husband). After having my daughter we had a few more sessions and I can happily say I’m back to my old self! No pain, better mobility, and with my functioning body I’m losing all my baby weight. Couldn’t have done it without my crew at DPT.”
“I severely pinched a nerve, It was so bad it got to the point I was unable to properly flex/contract my Pec or Tricep. I have been a gym regular for years, and it has been a large part of my life. So being unable to really engage my right side was devastating. I went to a couple doctors in the hopes of getting this fixed, with no luck. Finally ended up at DPT and so happy I did. Not only were they able to diagnose the issue right away they also worked very closely with me and developed a plan to get me back to 100%. Didn’t take long for me to be able to use those musicals again! Armed with the knowledge gained from my sessions I am regaining my strength. No words for how grateful I am!”
Tashin Dieterich, Chandler
Tanya Dahl, Scottsdale
“I was in hip pain for three years; the throb, pinch, and tightness was all day and night. I stopped exercising as well as unable to sleep on that hip!
Last month I was blessed with a referral to The Doctors of Physical Therapy. After only a few sessions (along with strength exercises at home)…I can’t believe that I’m pain free! I’m back to spinning, hiking and
best of all, sleeping like a baby!
I highly recommend DPT to lift your spirits again. The staff is knowledgeable, kind, and empathetic. They teach you how to live and stay pain free, for that I’m grateful!”