Knee Pain
“How To Get Relief From Knee Pain & Return To An Active Lifestyle Without Using Painkillers or Surgery.”
This Page Is Perfect For You If…
- You’re worried about meniscus tears.
- You have knee pain and swelling that won’t go away, and you’re worried about arthritis.
- Knee Pain is preventing you from walking or running.
- You would like to avoid taking pills, or having surgery for your knee pain.
If any of the above sounded familiar, continue reading to find out the solutions to your knee pain.
What’s Wrong With My Knee?
Trying to figure out what’s causing your knee pain can be frustrating. It’s likely that in your search for solutions, you’ve come across information about muscles, ligaments, your meniscus, and your joint. Any one of these things can be giving your brain the signals that are resulting in the pain that you feel.
The most important thing to realize is that the pain is a symptom, not a cause. If one of these tissues (muscles, ligaments, meniscus, joint) in your knee is hurting, it’s likely that the cause is something else entirely. For example, many people with knee pain have weakness in their hips or ankles that has caused the knee to become stressed over time. That’s when the tissues become more painful.
To help you understand what might be wrong with your knee, we’ll take our client Adam for example. Adam is a father of 2, loves playing with his kids and hiking when he’s not at work. His knee pain was a big problem for him. He couldn’t sit on the ground comfortably to play with his kids, and he was limited to short hikes.
He was frustrated because he had been battling knee pain for a few years. He would go see a doctor, they would instruct him to rest and take some pills, and it would get better, but then a few months later it always seemed to come back. He felt like he was just spinning his wheels because nothing seemed to work long-term. Eventually his knee started to bother him when he was sleeping, so he never felt fully rested. This left him tired, unable to exercise or hike, and unable to perform his best at work and he didn’t know what to do next.
Has any of this happened to you?
At one point Adam had surgery on his knee to “clean it out”, but even that didn’t take it away. By the time he came to us, he had tried everything from YouTube exercises to surgery, and even a few other physical therapists.
When we first met Adam we found out what others had missed so many times before.
If You’re Currently Living With Knee Pain, Here Are 6 Reasons Why It May Be Lasting Longer Than It Should:
- You tried looking up exercises to do on your own for your knee pain. This is a fair strategy, but there are many “causes” of knee pain, and it’s difficult to figure out which exercises are right for you. This is why some exercises can seem to make it better, but some make it much worse.
- You tried a few relaxing massages and it felt good for a few days but then it came back. So you started getting more frequent massages, but the effects have gradually worn off.
- You tried a knee brace and it eased a bit, but the nagging sensation is still there.
- You tried waiting for it to go away on its own. That didn’t work…
- You went to the doctor’s office, and they gave you medication to numb the pain. They told you to come back in 6 weeks if it didn’t work.
- You went to a physical therapist who put you on the same exercises everyone else with knee pain gets…then they left you with an assistant who only half watched your technique.
If any of these things have happened to you, unfortunately it’s common. The issue with a lot of these methods is that they focus on addressing the symptoms, not the root cause of your knee pain.
Any time you get temporary results that relieve the pain, and then they come back, your body is trying to tell you something. It’s trying to tell you that you didn’t find the solution, you just put a temporary band-aid on it.
For proof that most “solutions” don’t fix it, you don’t need to look any further than the opioid crisis in the USA. Along with increasing numbers of people addicted to pain pills, the number of surgeries just keeps increasing. Would this be happening if we were actually solving anything with these methods?
It’s understandable to want to solve it on your own, but it’s likely not the best way to avoid becoming one of the people who need those pills or surgeries.
If any of this has happened to you, we would love to help you by inviting you to book a call with one of our specialist physical therapists in Scottsdale. We can help you find out what can be done to help you.
You may be frustrated that you’ve already tried so many things. That’s a GOOD thing. When you know what doesn’t work, that puts you that much closer to finding the real solution. What we tell our clients is this: “What you have to be careful of is trying the same thing over and over and expecting different results…that’s insanity!”
Click the orange button below to book a call with us if you would like some advice given to you over the phone. This is a complimentary, no obligation phone call. You are not required to book physical therapy with us once the call is over. Our goal is to help you make the right decision about your health.
How Can Working With A Specialist At DPT Help You Put An End To Your Knee Pain?
- Your treatment plan is tailored to your lifestyle to get you to be able to do the things that are most important to you.
- You’ll learn about the body, the muscles, and how everything is connected.
- You’ll understand how to take care of yourself so you can continue to enjoy being pain free and active well into the future.
- You’ll understand everything that’s contributing to your knee pain, and have a plan to get it corrected.
- Your DPT team understands where you are at, and designs a plan to help you get to where you want to be in as few, or as many steps as it may take.
If you’re ready to get closer to a life without knee pain, all you have to do is click the orange button, fill out our form, and our experts will give you a call to help you decide if we can help you.
What Can I Do To Get Rid Of My Knee Pain Completely?
1. The sooner you take action, the sooner it will get fixed. If you choose to wait, your body adapts to moving around the pain, and you develop more bad habits that take longer to fix.
2. You need the right exercises at the right stage of your recovery. If you’ve ever heard of a “PT mill” it’s where everyone with knee pain gets the same 10-20 exercises without any explanation given. Evaluation by a specialist can ensure that you get the right exercises at each stage of recovery, to guide you to complete recovery without it coming back.
3. Avoid crossing your knees. It can cause inflammation that slowly builds up until pain starts.
4. Work with a specialist physical therapist. At The Doctors of Physical Therapy we do not use any aides or technicians so your time is spent 1-on-1 with an expert the entire session.
Note: This free “Discovery Visit” is something we offer to people who are nervous or skeptical about getting physical therapy – unsure of it’s benefits or if it’s right for them. If that sounds like you, then please start with a free “Discovery Visit” so that we can work with you to find out what is wrong, and what can be done – without any risk or obligation on your part.
Please Take A Few Moments To Hear What Our Clients Have To Say About DPT
Knee Pain
“How To Get Relief From Knee Pain & Return To An Active Lifestyle Without Using Painkillers or Surgery.”
This Page Is Perfect For You If…
- You’re worried about meniscus tears.
- You have knee pain and swelling that won’t go away, and you’re worried about arthritis.
- Knee Pain is preventing you from walking or running.
- You would like to avoid taking pills, or having surgery for your knee pain.
If any of the above sounded familiar, continue reading to find out the solutions to your knee pain.
What’s Wrong With My Knee?
Trying to figure out what’s causing your knee pain can be frustrating. It’s likely that in your search for solutions, you’ve come across information about muscles, ligaments, your meniscus, and your joint. Any one of these things can be giving your brain the signals that are resulting in the pain that you feel.
The most important thing to realize is that the pain is a symptom, not a cause. If one of these tissues (muscles, ligaments, meniscus, joint) in your knee is hurting, it’s likely that the cause is something else entirely. For example, many people with knee pain have weakness in their hips or ankles that has caused the knee to become stressed over time. That’s when the tissues become more painful.
To help you understand what might be wrong with your knee, we’ll take our client Adam for example. Adam is a father of 2, loves playing with his kids and hiking when he’s not at work. His knee pain was a big problem for him. He couldn’t sit on the ground comfortably to play with his kids, and he was limited to short hikes.
He was frustrated because he had been battling knee pain for a few years. He would go see a doctor, they would instruct him to rest and take some pills, and it would get better, but then a few months later it always seemed to come back. He felt like he was just spinning his wheels because nothing seemed to work long-term. Eventually his knee started to bother him when he was sleeping, so he never felt fully rested. This left him tired, unable to exercise or hike, and unable to perform his best at work and he didn’t know what to do next.
Has any of this happened to you?
At one point Adam had surgery on his knee to “clean it out”, but even that didn’t take it away. By the time he came to us, he had tried everything from YouTube exercises to surgery, and even a few other physical therapists.
When we first met Adam we found out what others had missed so many times before.
If You’re Currently Living With Knee Pain, Here Are 6 Reasons Why It May Be Lasting Longer Than It Should:
- You tried looking up exercises to do on your own for your knee pain. This is a fair strategy, but there are many “causes” of knee pain, and it’s difficult to figure out which exercises are right for you. This is why some exercises can seem to make it better, but some make it much worse.
- You tried a few relaxing massages and it felt good for a few days but then it came back. So you started getting more frequent massages, but the effects have gradually worn off.
- You tried a knee brace and it eased a bit, but the nagging sensation is still there.
- You tried waiting for it to go away on its own. That didn’t work…
- You went to the doctor’s office, and they gave you medication to numb the pain. They told you to come back in 6 weeks if it didn’t work.
- You went to a physical therapist who put you on the same exercises everyone else with knee pain gets…then they left you with an assistant who only half watched your technique.
If any of these things have happened to you, unfortunately it’s common. The issue with a lot of these methods is that they focus on addressing the symptoms, not the root cause of your knee pain.
Any time you get temporary results that relieve the pain, and then they come back, your body is trying to tell you something. It’s trying to tell you that you didn’t find the solution, you just put a temporary band-aid on it.
For proof that most “solutions” don’t fix it, you don’t need to look any further than the opioid crisis in the USA. Along with increasing numbers of people addicted to pain pills, the number of surgeries just keeps increasing. Would this be happening if we were actually solving anything with these methods?
It’s understandable to want to solve it on your own, but it’s likely not the best way to avoid becoming one of the people who need those pills or surgeries.
If any of this has happened to you, we would love to help you by inviting you to book a call with one of our specialist physical therapists in Scottsdale. We can help you find out what can be done to help you.
You may be frustrated that you’ve already tried so many things. That’s a GOOD thing. When you know what doesn’t work, that puts you that much closer to finding the real solution. What we tell our clients is this: “What you have to be careful of is trying the same thing over and over and expecting different results…that’s insanity!”
Click the orange button below to book a call with us if you would like some advice given to you over the phone. This is a complimentary, no obligation phone call. You are not required to book physical therapy with us once the call is over. Our goal is to help you make the right decision about your health.
How Can Working With A Specialist At DPT Help You Put An End To Your Knee Pain?
- Your treatment plan is tailored to your lifestyle to get you to be able to do the things that are most important to you.
- You’ll learn about the body, the muscles, and how everything is connected.
- You’ll understand how to take care of yourself so you can continue to enjoy being pain free and active well into the future.
- You’ll understand everything that’s contributing to your knee pain, and have a plan to get it corrected.
- Your DPT team understands where you are at, and designs a plan to help you get to where you want to be in as few, or as many steps as it may take.
If you’re ready to get closer to a life without knee pain, all you have to do is click the orange button, fill out our form, and our experts will give you a call to help you decide if we can help you.
What Can I Do To Get Rid Of My Knee Pain Completely?
1. The sooner you take action, the sooner it will get fixed. If you choose to wait, your body adapts to moving around the pain, and you develop more bad habits that take longer to fix.
2. You need the right exercises at the right stage of your recovery. If you’ve ever heard of a “PT mill” it’s where everyone with knee pain gets the same 10-20 exercises without any explanation given. Evaluation by a specialist can ensure that you get the right exercises at each stage of recovery, to guide you to complete recovery without it coming back.
3. Avoid crossing your knees. It can cause inflammation that slowly builds up until pain starts.
4. Work with a specialist physical therapist. At The Doctors of Physical Therapy we do not use any aides or technicians so your time is spent 1-on-1 with an expert the entire session.
Note: This free “Discovery Visit” is something we offer to people who are nervous or skeptical about getting physical therapy – unsure of it’s benefits or if it’s right for them. If that sounds like you, then please start with a free “Discovery Visit” so that we can work with you to find out what is wrong, and what can be done – without any risk or obligation on your part.