Foot pain can quickly make everyday life a struggle, and having to avoid doing what you love because of foot pain is exhausting. Although there are many different treatments for foot pain available to you, most people don’t get the help that they need and can quickly end up in an ongoing cycle of pain and frustration.

So, why does this cycle of treatment and disappointment happen, and what can you do to get real results from your treatment for foot pain?

We’re going to explore what the most common causes of foot pain are, why it can be so difficult to treat effectively, and how innovative treatments are changing the way people recover from foot pain.

What Are The Most Common Causes of Foot Pain?

Although foot pain is more common for some people, it can become an issue for you no matter your age, work, or hobbies. So, even if you’re an active person who takes good care of their body, foot pain can still show up when you least expect it and leave you feeling stuck.

Let’s zoom in on a few of the most common causes of foot pain:

Repetitive overuse injuries are generally caused by foot stress that has been building up over time without enough recovery to heal, leading to microtears and inflammation. For most people, this usually happens after a sudden increase in activity level, such as starting a new job or sport. A familiar example of this would be tendinitis of the flexor hallucis longus, which is the muscle that bends your big toe and helps with pushing your foot off during walking and running.

Plantar Fasciitis is one of the most common repetitive overuse injuries to know about because it’s so common for adults of all backgrounds. Because the hallmark symptom of this condition is pain and tenderness at the base of the heel or along the thick band of tissue on the bottom of your foot, it can be relatively easy to identify. While its causes can vary from person to person, plantar fasciitis is often caused by things like foot and ankle weakness, calf tension, and inadequate foot support.

While usually missed by the untrained eye, hip stiffness and weakness are very common causes of foot pain. When stiffness or weakness in your hip affects the alignment of your leg during activity, more stress is offloaded to your foot and can contribute to plantar fasciitis, to sprains and strains, and overuse injuries.

  • Briefly introduce foot pain as a common issue for people of all ages and backgrounds
  • Empathize with how frustrating living with foot pain can be, and how it can get in the way of important life activities
  • Describe sprains and strains as a common cause of foot pain
  • Describe repetitive high-impact activities like running as a common cause of foot pain
  • Describe improper or poor fitting footwear as a common cause of foot pain
  • Describe how ankle stiffness and knee or hip weakness are often overlooked causes of foot pain

It’s perfectly normal to be unsure about the exact causes of your foot pain. That’s why The Doctors of Physical Therapy offers completely free, no-obligation consultation calls with one of our foot pain specialists to help you learn more about your foot pain.

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Why is Foot Pain So Hard to Treat?

Foot pain can be especially difficult to treat because of how much stress your feet need to absorb throughout your day. Even if all you did in a day was walk a few blocks to get to work and then shop for groceries after, your feet would still be working quite a bit to keep you upright. If you have a physical job, want to exercise, or add in fun with friends or family, your feet have even less time for healing. This makes how you use your recovery time especially important.

Dealing with a little foot pain in short bouts usually isn’t a major issue, but persistent and untreated foot pain can lead to chronic pain that is much harder to treat successfully. And while there are many treatments out there advertised to completely cure your foot pain, most of them won’t help you find the root cause of your foot pain, let alone treat it correctly.

If you want to see results for your foot pain that actually lasts, you’ll need a treatment plan that helps you get to the root cause of your pain from day one. That means a detailed assessment for your foot, personalized exercise training from a specialist, and cutting edge technology to give you the edge over your pain and get exciting results.

What is EMTT and How Does it Work?

Extracorporeal Magnetotransduction Therapy (EMTT) is an FDA-cleared technology that uses specialized energy waves to boost your body’s metabolism, enhance circulation of nutrients, and enhance your body’s natural healing process. Contrary to most treatments available today, this is all done without any injections, needles, or surgery.

Research shows that EMTT is just as likely or more likely to assist your recovery from musculoskeletal problems such as foot pain versus treatments like injections or surgery. Even better, 80% of patients with musculoskeletal pain become pain-free or see significant improvement when EMTT is added to their treatment plan.

3 Ways EMTT Can Help Your Foot Pain

Once you know how and why your foot pain started in the first place, the next step is getting premier care for your pain from a specialist. EMTT therapy is a new and exciting treatment for foot pain that’s changing the way recovery happens in 3 key ways.

  1. [H3] Enhanced Metabolism and Healing
    Research shows that EMTT enhances your body’s metabolism and speeds up its natural healing process, speeding up tissue healing and improving your results.
  2. [H3] Improved Circulation
    As part of stimulating the area treated with EMTT, improved blood circulation occurs. This means more nutrients into the injured area and more waste products out.
  3. [H3] Faster Recovery
    Since becoming more active is a major part of your healing process, recovery between activities like exercise is key. EMTT allows for faster recovery from exercise-induced stress, allowing you to get more sessions each week.

In a nutshell, EMTT therapy is an evidence-based musculoskeletal pain treatment that gets exceptional results for injury recovery and has virtually no side effects. And when combined with other treatments from a specialist such as exercise that addresses the root causes of your foot pain, you’ll finally start seeing actual results that last.

The EMTT Procedure for Foot Pain

Perhaps the biggest benefit of adding EMTT to your recovery plan is being able to tackle what happened while you’re addressing why you started having foot pain to begin with. What does that mean exactly?

EMTT allows you to work on the tissue damage in your foot with an enhanced healing process. At the same time, you can correct problems like ankle stiffness or hip weakness that ultimately reduce the overall stress on your foot. This combination of benefits allows you to heal the damage in your foot while also stopping it from coming back.

Of course, as your foot pain gradually lessens, you can continue to see benefits with EMTT as a means to promote recovery after your exercise sessions for a longer-lasting recovery.

One of the best parts about EMTT is that it’s fast and easy to fit into your schedule. To see just how quickly you can get in for an appointment, call The Doctors of Physical Therapy today and enjoy a free consultation call with one of our foot pain specialists.

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EMTT Side Effects

A major challenge with most of the foot pain treatments available today is that they have major side effects, forcing you into downtime and further removing you from your activity goals. Unfortunately, most people think they don’t have any other options available to them.

On top of being an exceptional treatment for foot pain, EMTT has almost no side effects when performed by a qualified healthcare professional. So not only can you finally get relief for your foot pain, but you can also avoid common side effects like medication reactions, scarring, and forced downtime, which are common with invasive treatments like injections and surgery.

When less of your energy is spent dealing with side effects, you can focus more on solving why your foot pain started to begin with, leading to better healing of the injured tissues in your foot and making a quicker return to doing what you love again.

How is DPT Using EMTT to Revolutionize Foot Pain Treatment?

To help you get back on your feet and do what you love again, our foot pain specialists at The Doctors of Physical Therapy are experts in EMTT and other cutting edge treatments to speed up your recovery and get you real results that actually last.

To complement your EMTT from trained specialists, your care team at DPT are highly experienced in correcting movement patterns, identifying and solving issues in your legs that are causing your foot pain, and coaching you every step of the way to reach your big goals.

To better understand your foot pain and why it’s happening, you’ll get a thorough interview from your physical therapist to help you find the root cause of your foot pain. From there, your specialist will build a personalized treatment plan that works for you, set realistic goals with you, and immediately get to work on providing relief for your foot pain.

Schedule your free consultation call with one of our foot pain specialists today and take the first steps toward getting back your active lifestyle.

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