Pec Minor Tightness: The Gift That Keeps On Giving (You Pain)
Do you ever feel like your shoulders are just pulling you into a slouch? There's one specific muscle - [...]
Do you ever feel like your shoulders are just pulling you into a slouch? There's one specific muscle - [...]
Patient Case: 20 years of chronic knee pain Condition: Right posterior chronic knee pain (pain behind the knee) with [...]
Arthroscopic knee surgery can be great option when there is structural damage to the knee. [...]
Many of the patients we treat come from other physical therapy clinics where they just weren’t making progress towards [...]
The content of this shoulder health blog is best utilized after you have followed the exercises in our shoulder [...]
Let’s face it, we want everything to work in a set time period. Those time periods are now, and [...]
What’s the cost of tight calves? Read on to discover what most doctors and experts don't tell [...]
Cross training for runners is often overlooked. Everyone has different reasons that they report not [...]
Direct access to physical therapy is the ability to go and see a physical therapist (PT) for treatment without [...]
To be based in a gym with access to great personal trainers has been a great blessing for our [...]